International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Business Innovation (ISSN: 2689-9493) is an international double-blind peer-reviewed open access journal, published monthly online by AB Journals. The scopes of the Research Journal include, but not limited to: Business Administration, Business Innovation, Management, SMEs, New Business Strategies, International Business, Corporate Policies, Finance, Economics, Business Development, Human Resource Management, Strategies & Decision Science, Entrepreneurship, E-Commerce and other related topics.
Open Access: Freely accessible for viewing and download over the internet.
DOI: You have a free DOI number attached to your published paper.
High Visibility: Indexed in OCLC WorldCat, Library of Congress USA, Google Scholar, EBSCO, Crossref, Open Academic Journals Index, Directory of Research Journals Indexing, SJIFactor
Rapid Publication: First decision is approximately 15-21 days after submission; acceptance to publication is 5-10 days after payment.