Article Processing Charge (APC)

All articles accepted for publication are openly available online. We don’t charge for submissions, authors are required to pay Article Processing Charge (APC) which they only pay if their articles have been accepted for publication. Discounts and waivers up to 68% available, visit waiver policy.

If you have any questions regarding payment, please do not hesitate to contact us (by clicking here).

Article Processing Charge  –

$55 USD  $170 USD 68% off

₦22,500 NGN   ₦70,000 NGN   68% off


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General Information

While we promote a community that empowers researchers with tools and services that eliminate the barriers to publishing, it should be noted that AB Journals is solely independent and autonomous thereby not depending on funding from any external institutions aside revenues from Article Processing Charge (APC) paid by authors. And being an Open Access Publisher, we do not charge for access to our journals, they are accessible free of charge to everyone on the internet.

All fees paid by authors as Article Processing Charge (APC) are expended on various activities and operations to keep our platform running including technology costs, salaries & other business costs, peer review coordination & management, production & promotion of articles amongst other publishing activities.

Refund Policy

We implement a reasonable refund policy based on the publishing status.

  • Fully refund: before online publication

  • No refund: after online publication