Marketing Information System (MKIS) and Optimization of Banking Service Delivery

Publication Date: 26/06/2023


Author(s): Glory Sunday Etim, William Smart Inyang, Edim Eka James, Geraldine Banku Mbu-Ogar.

Volume/Issue: Volume 6 , Issue 2 (2023)


This study examined marketing information system and optimization of banking service delivery. It sought to assess the influence of internal records, marketing intelligence and marketing research on banking service delivery. The study adopted cross-sectional survey research design. The sampling technique used was total population sampling which enabled the collection of primary data from 282 marketing and managerial personnel of commercial banks through an adapted structured questionnaire. Instrument validity was confirmed through content validity while Cronbach’s alpha reliability method was used for reliability testing. Multiple linear regression was adopted to test the hypotheses developed for the study. Consequently, the findings revealed that internal records, marketing intelligence and marketing research had significant positive influences on banking service delivery, with varying magnitudes of influence. Hence, the study concluded that marketing information system has a significant positive influence on the optimization of banking service delivery. Therefore, the study presented practical implications for the banking industry and research suggestions for future researchers.


MIS, Banking Service, Internal Records, Marketing Intelligence, Marketing Research.

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