We are an international open access journal platform providing the best research service and publication with the distinct objective of discovering cutting-edge advancement in knowledge. By employing modern publishing insights, double-blind and peer-reviewed scientific method, we help our researchers share their findings, access the works of others and contribute to important discussions within the research community.

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We have been able to help academics working across various disciplines promote their research works and give them an affordable platform to contribute to important discussions, globally.


AB Journals Business and Management
AB Journals Education and Linguistics
AB Journals Social Sciences and Humanities
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AB Journals Biology and Medical Sciences
AB Journals Agricultural Sciences
AB Journals Mathematics and Physics
AB Journals Scientific Research


We drive innovation within our open knowledge community by collaborating with universities, research institutions, enterprise, corporate organizations, associations and agencies around the world. Over the years, we have published journals, articles, books, and reports in all major domains, including science, business, medicine, the humanities and technology thereby positioning us as one of the leading advocates for research quality and ethics.

Open Research

Open Research

To deliver on our vision, we are committed to promoting quality open access research. All articles published by African – British Journals have undergone peer review and upon acceptance are immediately and permanently freely available worldwide for everyone to access, read, download, and print.

AB Journals hopes to provide the best platform for all researchers and to connect them with colleagues around the globe to advance their research through wide readership, high visibility, increased citation, and impact.