Factors Affecting Share Performance of Quoted Deposit Money Banks in Nigeria

Publication Date: 19/12/2023


Author(s): Adebowale OGUNSOLA (Ph.D.), Jamiu Alabere ABDULRASHEED.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 1 (2023)


The study examined the factors affecting share performance of quoted deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study adopted ex-post facto research design, and the population of the study consisted of all deposit money banks quoted in Nigeria as at 31st December, 2022. However, nine (9) banks were selected as sample size using a judgmental sampling technique. Data for the study were obtained from the annual reports and accounts of the nine (9) deposit money banks for the period of 10 years ranging from 2013-2022. The study used the OLS regression model as a technique of data analysis. The study found that earnings per share has a significant positive effect on market price per share. Meanwhile, dividend per share and price earnings ratio have an insignificant positive effect on market price per share, while book value per share has an insignificant negative effect on market price per share of quoted deposit money banks in Nigeria. The study recommends that corporate organizations, particularly corporate companies, should develop and implement strategies that will help improve their earnings per share, dividend per share and price earnings ratio in order to increase their share performance in the market.



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