Accounting Information System and Financial Reporting Quality of Quoted Service Companies in Nigeria.

Publication Date: 24/07/2024

DOI: 10.52589/AJAFR-5ZC6OSZS

Author(s): Olayemi Oluseyanu Olamide , Onaolapo A. R., Fasina H. T..

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 3 (2024)


AIS is seen as significant organizational mechanism but it can only be of benefits to organizational operations, including the Quality of Financial Reporting (QFR) produced if the right factors are well integrated and operated harmoniously. Therefore, the study examined AIS and QFR of listed service companies in Nigeria. The study adopted cross-sectional survey research design. Primary data was employed through questionnaire which was administered on 256 respondents. Variables used included Information Quality (IQ), Service Quality (SERVQ), faithful representation, relevance, understandability and timeliness. The study adopted the use of structural equation modelling for data analysis. The findings revealed that IQ has significant effect on QFR while SERVQ has no significant and negative effect on QFR. It is therefore recommended that organizations should ensure that they maintain good information quality which should start from the point of data collection from different sources to the point of final preparation of the financial reports.


Accounting information system, DeLone and McLean Model, Financial reporting, Information quality, Service quality.

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