Sustainability Disclosures and the Performance of Listed Manufacturing Companies in Nigeria.

Publication Date: 18/07/2024


Author(s): Mafiana Ijeamaka, Ebiaghan Frank Orits.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 3 (2024)


The study investigated the effect of sustainability disclosure on the performance of publicly listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria using ex-post facto research design. A sample of twenty (20) publicly listed manufacturing companies was obtained and secondary data were computed from the annual reports and accounts of the companies from 2013-2022. Data obtained were analyzed by means of descriptive, post-estimation and inferential statistics. Findings of the multivariate regression result revealed that financial performance (return on assets and return on equity) are not significantly affected by the level of sustainability disclosure. Based on the findings, it was recommended that management of publicly listed manufacturing companies should gear efforts toward enhancing disclosure on sustainability (in particular, index of sustainability reporting); this may further strengthen their financial performance level. In addition, management of publicly listed manufacturing companies should determine measures of sustainability disclosure affecting performance the most and focus more on them; this study contributes to knowledge by filling the gap in the literature on the relationship between sustainability disclosure and financial performance of listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria.


Sustainability disclosure, Return on asset, Return on equity, Manufacturing firms.

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