Large Inguinoscrotal Hernia in an Infant Presenting in Obstruction: A Case Report and Review of Reasons for Delayed Presentation

Publication Date: 08/03/2021

Author(s): Friday Emeakpor Ogbetere.

Volume/Issue: Volume 4 , Issue 1 (2021)


An inguinal hernia is a common pathology requiring surgical treatment in infants and children. However, an inguinoscrotal hernia is less common when compared to an inguinal hernia and much under-reported in the medical literature. The majority of inguinoscrotal hernias in infants present without complications as anxious parents usually bring them early for treatment. In rare cases, however, patients may be brought due to complications. In this case report, a one-year-old boy was brought to the accident and emergency room with a giant swelling involving the left groin and the left hemiscrotum. Clinical examination revealed an irreducible left inguinoscrotal swelling with features suggestive of intestinal obstruction. During surgery, a large closed-loop obstructed bowel was found and successfully reduced. This case report highlights a relatively rare mode of presentation of a common groin pathology and provided a unique opportunity to evaluate the reasons for delayed presentation of patients with inguinoscrotal hernias in the West African subregion.


Inguinoscrotal Hernia, Infants, Intestinal Obstruction, Hernia Repair, Delayed Presentation.

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