COVID-19: Psychological Impact

Publication Date: 23/07/2020

Author(s): Paulo Manuel L. Macapagal.

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 2 (2020)


The world is thrown into chaos because of the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) from Wuhan, China, and now life for the people around the globe has gone into a standstill. This has brought unprecedented efforts to institute the practice of physical distancing (or “social distancing”) and shutdowns of usual day-to-day functioning. Research has shown that people are not only affected physically but mentally and psychologically as well, resulting in resulting in national behavioural patterns, such as spikes in mental health-related problems. This article aims to describe the psychological impact of COVID-19 onto the lives of people around the world. The pandemic has a “profound and pervasive impact” on global mental health as billions of people struggle to cope with isolated living and anxiety spikes, as showed by imposed mass quarantine applied by nationwide lockdown programs which had produced mass hysteria, anxiety and distress amongst other things. Due to the psychology of uncertainty, it causes tremendous anxiety on an individual, especially by uncertainty in the future. However certain values upheld by people can help mitigate the mindset of uncertainty, shifting one’s uncertainty to a more positive and productive outlook. In conclusion, the best psychological response to the pandemic would be to build up one's psychological resiliency, and do our part by spreading awareness and positivity, by spreading hope, being empathetic and understanding those who are struggling due to the effects of COVID-19, as well as those who are suffering because of the disease.

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