Thanksgiving Sacrifice

Publication Date: 14/10/2023


Author(s): Sabar Nababan.

Volume/Issue: Volume 6 , Issue 2 (2023)


The change in Christian dogma from the Old Testament, which used Burnt Offerings Sacrifices (BOS) and other sacrifices, to the New Testament which abandoned the BOS and other sacrifices, resulted in a reduction in the power of God Jahowa. The author proposes to God Jahowa that every Christian family carry out and must perform the Thanksgiving Sacrifice (TS) by sacrificing doves or kilos of fresh meat of a cow or sheep, at least once a year. God Jahowa stipulates that the sacrifice of a dove or fresh meat of a cow or sheep is a minimum of half a kg for one sacrifice. The time is independent of what date and what month of the year. According to God Jahowa, the results of the author's TS produce fragrant steam and cause them to grow stronger and agile. The benefits of TS were not only felt by God Jahowa, but also by God Jesus. If they inhale a full liter of TS vapor, they can endure not eating or drinking for ten years. TS is thanksgiving to God Jahowa and God Jesus. Money cannot increase God's power. For people who are able but do not carry out TS, they will sin but have little sin. For people who are unable, then they are not sinful. For people who carry out TS, they will be blessed. This TS has been inaugurated by God Jahowa as a new dogma for Christians which is implemented at least once a year.


Christianity, BOS, TS, Dove, Kilos of Fresh Meat of Cow or Sheep.

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