Ecological Survey of Plant Species in two Contrasting Management Systems of Watershed Ecosystem

Publication Date: 23/11/2020

Author(s): Nweke I. A., Ekwealor K. U., Nnabude P. C., Nworji M. J., Ngonadi E. N., Ibe K. G..

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 6 (2020)


Ecological characteristics of managed and unmanaged systems of watershed were evaluated in Amawbia southeast Nigeria. Measuring tape and pegs were used to map out an area of 1400m2 (35mx40m) in the two experimental sites. Random sampling method was applied and two coordinate AB (35m) and BC (40m) were erected in the two-study area. Quadrat method of sampling was used for counting of the species. Result from the study showed that managed plot of the watershed recorded a population of 62 individual trees and shrubs with 84 individual weeds which were mostly broad leaf. There were three individual trees in the unmanaged plots and weed population of 189 individual species which was dominated by Imperata cylindrica with highest density in the upper slopes (slope 1and slope 2). Trees and shrubs retain the basic restorative attributes of the bush fallow through nutrient recycling, fertility regeneration and weed suppression and when combined with arable cropping possess the potential to allow the farmer to crop the land for an extended period as the processes occur concurrently on the same land.


Alley, Ecology, Hedgerow, Plant Species, Watershed, Weed

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