Covid-19: Environmental Considerations for Water Resources Management

Publication Date: 03/04/2021

Author(s): Ernest Othieno Odwori.

Volume/Issue: Volume 4 , Issue 2 (2021)


The rapid spread of COVID-19 worldwide has resulted into countries implementing drastic measures such as imposing lockdowns, travel restrictions, slow down on economic activities, maintaining social distancing etc. These actions have considerably enhanced environmental quality and water resources management on the short-term basis, but on the other hand, it has also had adverse consequences on the environment and water resources management due to the large amounts of SARS-CoV-2-infected medical and domestic waste generated and the lack of initiatives to recycle medical waste in fear of the risk to spread COVID-19 to the people associated with recycling. This paper examines the environmental effects of COVID-19 on water resources management broadly. The study presents a unique opportunity to observe and understand how the environment reacts to sharp reductions in anthropogenic activities. Efforts made to control the spread of COVID-19 have increased water demand and impacted water resources both positively and negatively leading to additional challenges in water resources planning and management. There is an urgent need for interdisciplinary collaborations among researchers studying water and the new challenges faced in this era of COVID-19.


COVID-19 Pandemic, Environmental Considerations, Water Resources Management.

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