Mineral Potential Mapping Around Udege Using Remote Sensing And GIS

Publication Date: 03/10/2019

Author(s): Cecilia John, Okegye Joseph Kana.

Volume/Issue: Volume 2 , Issue 3 (2019)


Udege is located in Nasarawa State – Central Nigeria. Remote sensing and GIS was used to explore for potential sites for mineralization and alteration zones associated with mineral deposits. Satellite images as well as digital elevation models to study hydrothermal alteration associated with mineral deposits were used. Image processing techniques such as band rationing, principal component analysis as Ls-ft techniques were used for this study. Results reveal clearly areas of hydrothermal altered deposits of clays, iron oxides and ferric oxides around the study area. The principal component analysis using the Crosta technique also enabled the representation of the altered hydroxyl and iron oxide mineral deposits of the area. Spatial distribution of goethite, haematite and clay minerals were successfully mapped.

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