An Evaluation of Causes, Extent, Pattern and Effect of Gully Erosion on Some Selected Arable Lands in Yola South LGA, North-Eastern Part of Nigeria

Publication Date: 22/05/2020

Author(s): Abdulqadir Abubakar Sadiq, Ahmad Usman Ardo.

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 3 (2020)


The study attempts to estimate the causes, extent, pattern and effect of gully erosion on some selected arable lands in Yola South LGA, North-eastern part of Nigeria. Two hundred fifty (250) selected sampled farmers were administered well structured questionnaires in each farm location (Mbamba, Bole, Yolde pate and Wuro-chekke) on the causes, effects and control method of gully erosion and the obtained data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. Representative soil samples of the gully affected areas were collected and analyzed for soil related erosion properties (structure, texture, OM, porosity and permeability) using standard laboratory procedures. Direct on-field observation, identification and measurement of gully morphological parameters (size, shape, length, depth, width) were obtained and used to calculate extent of the gully (runoff area, gully density and soil loss) respectively. The result revealed that OM content of the area ranges from 1.52-2.10, porosity 38%-43%, clay loam and sandy loam were dominant. Overgrazing, improper land use and poor management were found to be the major cause of gully formation with medium to large size, U-V shapes with active and extreme damaged on arable lands. Total of 15 gullies were identified in the area with an average total length of 530 m, 14.3 m width, 11. 2m depth having an estimated runoff area of 7782 m2, density of 0.04262 m/ m 2 and estimated soil loss of 2, 5409.8 M3 respectively. Loss of productive land, sediment deposition on fertile land, siltation of dams and reservoirs were among the utmost effects of gully erosion in the area and most farmers saddled to adopt planting of trees and grasses, water ways constructions and sandbags techniques in an effort to curtail the existing menace in the area. To realize healthy and sustainable arable lands for optimum food production in the sty area, it is therefore recommended that effective training on the modern techniques of controlling and preventing of gully erosion should be given to the farmers by the extension agents coupled with proper land use and management techniques.

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