Microenvironmental Analysis of Housing Development and Biophysical Environment in Enugu Urban

Publication Date: 14/06/2022


Author(s): Obiefule Peace Akudo.

Volume/Issue: Volume 5 , Issue 1 (2022)


This research carried out an empirical analysis of housing development and microenvironment biophysical elements in Enugu Urban. An experimental and Survey Research design was adopted. The questionnaire was used to represent the survey research method while the area of the practical experiment was used by the researcher to represent the experimental research method. The population of this study comprises of the various housing developments in the three Local Governments Area that make up Enugu Urban – which is Enugu East, Enugu South, and Enugu North. These locations are geo-referenced given that these three local-government areas give the study a wider and more balanced coverage. Taro Yamane’s Statistical formula was applied to determine the sample size for the study which gave n (the desired Sample Size) as 380, which was rounded off to the nearest Hundredth, making n the desired sample size = 400. The major findings of the study were that on average, housing development contributes negatively and significantly to water quality in Enugu urban (p = .003< 0.05). The experimental results revealed the physic-chemical and elemental characteristics of the water sample for the selected respective estates. Secondly, it was also discovered that on average, housing development contributes significantly to soil quality deterioration in Enugu urban (p = .007 < 0.05). The experimental dimension revealed that total organic carbon, ph, organic matter, and fixed carbon yielded average values that confirmed that housing development adversely affects soil quality in Enugu Urban for the period under analysis. It is therefore the recommendation of this study that Wastes that are pushed into waters could be turned into wealth with some research on recycling. Secondly, water pollution is not easy to solve. It is necessary that all hands must be on deck to fight it. This means that aside from controlling housing development, both government and citizen’s cooperation are needed to reduce water pollution to the barest minimum. Since water contamination comes from many different sources and has many numerous effects, every aspect of water pollution needs to be addressed. To sustain and improve soil quality in Enugu state, there is also the need for supported active research into waste minimization strategies, waste avoidance technologies, cleaner production processes, and zero-emission concepts.


Microenvironmental Analysis, Housing Development, Biophysical Environment

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