Assessment of Physico-Chemical Parameters of Water from Iwofe River, Rivers State, Nigeria

Publication Date: 10/05/2023


Author(s): Green A.F., Owoh A.A., Anaero-Nweke G.N., Wokoma O.A.F..

Volume/Issue: Volume 6 , Issue 2 (2023)


This study is aimed at assessing the physico-chemical parameters of water from the Iwofe River which is heavily stressed by extensive anthropogenic activities like bunkering. Two stations were established and surface water samples were collected bi-monthly at each station for one year. All the parameters were determined in-situ except biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) which was analyzed in the laboratory on the fifth day of sample collection. The results obtained show that pH varied from 5.66 and 6.87, dissolved oxygen (DO) ranged between 3.51 and 5.16 mg/l. Temperature had values ranging between 27.85 and 31.25 oC; salinity ranged between 5.96 and 11.54 ppt; conductivity ranged between 9.55 and 10.46 us/cm. The total dissolved solid (TDS) ranged between 7.15 and 13.63 mg/l and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) was between 0.85 and 2.84 mg/l. Seasonal fluctuations revealed that mean values of DO, TDS, salinity and temperature were higher during the dry season while pH and BOD were higher in the wet season, but mean conductivity values were uniform for both seasons. The study has shown that despite the visible anthropogenic perturbations in the study area, the surface water is still relatively clean.


Assessment, Physico-Chemical Parameter, Surface water, Iwofe River.

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