Determinants of Waste Disposal Practicies Among Residents of Agege Local Government Area of Lagos State Nigeria

Publication Date: 21/07/2023

DOI: Attitude, Perception, Knowledge, Waste disposal Practices

Author(s): Iyasele Obinyonifoh Belinda, Dr. Dangana M..

Volume/Issue: Volume 6 , Issue 2 (2023)


Inadequate knowledge, negative attitude, poor perception on the part of the residents are some of the problems resulting from poor waste disposal practices. Hence this study investigates determinants of waste disposal practices among residents of Agege local government Lagod state Nigeria. Methodology: A multistage probability sampling method was adopted to select the residents in Agege Local Government, Lagos State. RESULT: Majority of the respondents, 40.9% had a high level of knowledge about waste disposal practice. 70.8% of the respondents had a positive attitude. 55.7% of the respondents had a fair level of perception towards waste disposal. 56% of the residents had average waste disposal practice. CONCLUSION: The study established that the residents of Agege had a good level of knowledge regarding waste disposal practices, this reflected in their attitude and perception towards waste disposal practice.


Attitude, Perception, Knowledge, Waste disposal Practices

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