Sustainable Land Management for Enhanced Environmental Sustainability and Productivity amongst Resource-Poor Farmers in Nigeria.

Publication Date: 07/01/2025


Author(s): Dahiru M. Kabiru, Ezekiel Ayiwulu.

Volume/Issue: Volume 8 , Issue 1 (2025)


Soil degradation is an epic phenomenon adversely affecting enhanced agricultural productivity and development in Nigeria, through progressive loss in the quality of land which manifests in the form of soil erosion, sedimentation, flooding, desertification, higher than normal temperature condition, poor crop yields, etc. It is estimated that over half of the world’s grassland are degraded, with nearly 1.5billion people directly affected worldwide. Most African soils are typically impoverished and deficient in plants nutrient materials like phosphates and other essential nutrients. These soils are also characterized with low organic matter content, low water retention capacity, and low CEC. They are also subjected to heavy leaching and siltation in addition to increasing demand for increased productivity by its rapidly growing population, with high need for good (efficient) management essential for enhanced and sustainable agriculture. As a result of the combination of these factors, both crop yields and quality do not appreciably increase as expected in this part of the world over a long period. This is in spite of the significant progress made in agricultural researches, and hence the need for an all-round agricultural land management practices in this area, which is afforded by the SLM practice. In Nigeria in particular, soil erosion is the most widespread form of land degradation militating against environmental sustainability and rural prosperity, thereby making sustainable land management (SLM) a great imperative for enhanced agricultural productivity and profitability. This study shows the imperatives of sustainable land management amongst resource-poor farmers in a growing economy with rapidly growing human population like Nigeria, majority of who live in rural areas and derive their livelihood directly from the land resources through agriculture and related primary activities.


Agricultural productivity, Crop yield, Resource-poor farmers, Soil degradation, Sustainable land management.

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