Disaggregation and Determinants of Time Allocation Among Women in Rural Oyo State, Nigeria

Publication Date: 16/12/2020

Author(s): Amao Olufunmilola, Adenegan Kemisola O..

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 3 (2020)


Women shoulder work shifts between paid and unpaid work hence their time is constrained. There is much within-group inequality in time allocation which masks high levels of inequality within each gender group and therefore, this study examined the determinants of time allocation among rural women in Oyo State. A Four-stage sampling procedure was used in the collection of primary data with purposive selection of two Agricultural Development Programme zones in Oyo state of Nigeria. Structured questionnaire and interview schedule were used to analyse data from 160 respondents using descriptive statistics and Tobit regression at α0.05. The result revealed that a unit increase in educational level increased time spent on paid job and being married increased time for paid job by while increase in age, number of infants and distance to the market reduced time spent on paid job. Primary occupation and age reduced time allocated to unpaid work. Primary occupation and age increased time for leisure while distance to work decreased time on leisure. Well-designed social programs such as training programs, gender equity in all levels of education and expanding education attainment, employment services, childcare facilities, and reform of discriminatory laws will boost their wellbeing.


Determinants, Time Allocation, Tobit Regression, Rural, Women

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