Logistics Management and Operational Efficiency of Food and Beverage Firms in Port Harcourt

Publication Date: 12/02/2024

DOI: 10.52589/AJESD-9XM6NX0Q

Author(s): Ifekanandu Chukwudi Christian, Ihuoma Chukwudi Ifekanandu, Rennner Blessing Awaji-ima (Ph.D.), Lawrence Tochukwu Obalum (Ph.D.).

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 1 (2024)


This study examined the relationship between logistics management and operational efficiency of Food and Beverage Firms in Port Harcourt. Two objectives, two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. This study is anchored on the positivist research paradigm; this study adopted the correlation survey research. The population of the study comprised 30 food and beverage firms in Port Harcourt. Based on the population of the study, which is 30 food and beverage firms, the study adopted a census approach with a focus on the staff (inventory manager, distribution manager and warehousing manager). To ascertain the respondents, the questionnaire was distributed in batches of three (3) copies per headquarter branch. A total of ninety (90) copies of the questionnaire were distributed. Copies of the questionnaire were administered and distributed to the management staff of food and beverage firms in Port Harcourt. The reliability of the study was tested using the Cronbach Alpha method. The study employed the Spearman Rank-order Correlation Coefficient for testing the various hypotheses formulated for the study. The findings of the study established that transport management showed a positive and significant relationship with operational efficiency of food and beverages firms in Port Harcourt. It also confirmed that inventory management showed a positive and significant relationship with operational efficiency of food and beverages firms in Port Harcourt. It was concluded that logistics management is a precursor to operational efficiency of food and beverages firms in Port Harcourt. The study recommends that foood and beverage firms should incorporate transport management (vehicle scheduling and route planning) in their operations processes and inventory management should be enhanced as it will help to improve productivity within the organization.


Logistics Management; Inventory Management Transport Management and Operational Efficiency.

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