Manufacturing Sub-Sector Dynamics and Economic Growth in Nigeria (1981-2022).

Publication Date: 08/11/2024


Author(s): Anugwom Chinenye Georgina.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 4 (2024)


This study examined the impact of manufacturing sub-sectors on economic growth in Nigeria covering the period 1981-2022. Data for the study were extracted from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) statistical bulletin and world development index (WDI) 2020. The method of data analysis used is the linear regression method with the application of the Error Correction Model (ECM). The major findings of the study reveal that Cement production (CP) contributes positively but insignificantly to economic growth in Nigeria (β = 2.622724 and p-value = 0.4414 > 0.05), Beverages and Tobacco Production (BTP) contributes positively but insignificantly to economic growth in Nigeria (β = 2.040513 and p-value = 0.0018 > 0.05), Chemical and Pharmaceuticals Production (CHP) contributes negatively but insignificantly to economic growth in Nigeria (β = -17.39120 and p-value = 0.5188 > 0.05) and Pulp paper and paper products (PPP) contribute positively but insignificantly to economic growth in Nigeria (β = 56.85029 and p-value = 0.5062 > 0.05). It is therefore the recommendation of the study that the government should create an enabling environment and adjust its taxation rate on these companies which is currently at 24% to around 18% and the federal and state governments should create a system to protect forests from illegal loggers who are indiscriminately exploiting and felling the national trees.


Manufacturing, Sub-Sector, Economic Growth, Production.

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