Measuring the Elders Satisfaction of the Services Provided by Nursing Homes at Amman, Jordan

Publication Date: 26/08/2019

Author(s): Dr. Muntaha Bani Hani , Professor Mohamad Shehad , Dr. Ghassan Al Omari.

Volume/Issue: Volume 2 , Issue 1 (2019)


This study aimed at measuring the elders’ satisfaction of the quality of services provided by the health nursing homes in Amman, Jordan. The population of the study consisted of two private homes. One is called “Elders Hope Home” and the other is called “Alzahraa Elders Home”. The unit of analysis consisted of 38 elders. Descriptive and analytical methods were used to reach conclusions. A questionnaire was used for the purpose of measuring the study variables. Validity and reliability were tested and Cronbach’s Alpha was 0.958. The levels of variables were measured by using the descriptive statistical analysis through means and standard deviations. The results of the study show the following: 1. There was a high level of elders’ satisfaction of the services provided by the elderly nursing homes in the area of social services. 2. There was a high level of elders’ satisfaction of the services provided by the elderly nursing homes in the area of lodging services. 3. There was a high level of elders’ satisfaction of the services provided by the elderly nursing homes in the area of medical and nursing services. 4. There was a high level of elders’ satisfaction of the services provided by the elderly nursing homes in the area of subsistence services. The study recommended the following: 1. Enhancing the higher levels of social and lodging services for the elders. 2. Reinforcing their nursing and medical services.

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