Effect of a Nurse-Led Intervention on Knowledge of PMTCT among Mothers Living with HIV Attending Tertiary Hospitals in Ondo-State

Publication Date: 15/07/2020

Author(s): Omobola T. Oluwaseyi, Christiana O. Sowumi, Christiana A. Owopetu, Oluwatosin E. Ogunmuyiwa.

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 5 (2020)


Background: Mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) continues to be the major source of HIV infection and the cause of maternal and fetal/infant mortality in Nigeria and other developing nations of the world. The study assessed the effect of a nurse-led intervention on knowledge of Prevention of MTCT of HIV among mothers living with HIV attending tertiary hospitals in Ondo State. Methods: This study adopted a pretest-posttest quasi-experimental research design. One hundred and sixteen (116) respondents participated in the study; 40 respondents served as the control group and 76 respondents in the experimental group. Descriptive analysis and inferential statistics were utilized to generate findings at 0.05 level of significance. Results: Findings from the study revealed that the participants had fair knowledge generally on the subject matter pre intervention. There was knowledge gain among the experimental group on HIV/AIDS and PMTCT as revealed by mean gain of 2.03 and 3.31 respectively. There were significant differences between the pre and post intervention mean score knowledge of mothers living positively on HIV/AIDS and on PMTCT evidenced by p< 0.000 and p < 0.000 respectively. Conclusion: The nurse-led intervention on knowledge utilized in this study enhanced the knowledge of mothers living positively with HIV. Therefore knowledge-based programmes should be included in various PMTCT packages and periodic evaluation to reveal the effectiveness of health education.

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