Factors Influencing Quality of Life of People Living with Mental Illness Attending Out-Patient Clinics of Federal Neuropsychiatric Hospitals in Southwest Nigeria

Publication Date: 20/07/2020

Author(s): Omirin Taiwo Christianah, Prof. J.O. Aina.

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 5 (2020)


Quality of life (QoL) is an essential element of health and an important aspect of human life. This study investigated the factors influencing quality of life of people living with mental illness attending outpatient clinics. A Descriptive cross-sectional survey design was employed. 487 clients participated in the study. WHO-QoL BREF was used to collect data, with a reliability of 0.81. The Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, T-test, and PPMC. The Health-Related Factors associated with QoL were depression, schizophrenia, drug addiction, seizure disorders affect their QoL. There is a significant gender difference in the patients QoL where female had more significant QoL than their male counterparts Conclusively, majority of the respondents had low level of QoL resulting from the mental illness, and the duration of illness was significant. The study recommended that mental health practitioners should create awareness on early diagnosis, prompt treatment and stakeholders’ support to the mentally ill.

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