Clients Satisfaction of Maternity Care and the Determinants for Antenatal Booking Among Pregnant Women Attending Clinic in ECWA Hospital Egbe, Kogi State

Publication Date: 18/06/2024


Author(s): Olatubosun Alice Kehinde, Samuel Godwin Atayi, Silas Oyibo Saidu.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 2 (2024)


Globally, at least 1600 women die from the complications of pregnancy and childbirth daily giving an annual figure of 585.000 women (with Nigeria alone contributing up to 10% of figure), and over 50 million more women suffer from acute complications and long term morbidities. The indices for maternal and child mortality are relatively high in most developing countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. This study aims to look at clients satisfaction of maternity care and The determinants for antenatal booking among pregnant women attending clinic in ECWA Hospital Egbe, Kogi State. A non-experimental descriptive mixed method was used with the combination of quantitative and qualitative method. A total of two hundred and forty-four (244) women attending maternal health services at ECWA hospital Egbe were selected by cluster sampling technique. Data was collected using pretested structured client questionnaires, and focus group discussion guide. About 64(74.6%) of the clients had 2-4 babies and 198(90,0%) had their previous delivery in the hospital. Majority 178(80.9%) book their antenatal in ECWA hospital and 17(7.7%) booked in PHC centres. Only 4 (1.8%) of the participants booked for antenatal service in other facilities. This implies that women are beginning to be aware of the benefits of booking and antenatal care, hence the higher rate of booking although only few return to deliver their babies after booking. Majority 204(92.7%) received enough help from staff with the baby care and 215(97.7%) said they will advice friends to use this facility, hence, the likelihood to return for child birth but they go to another clinic for other services such as child immunisation. Majority of the women were satisfied with the maternity care services received at the hospital. Therefore, the following recommendations were made; the management should employ more competent health professionals especially nurses in their various field of specialties and regular in service training to meet with improving world standard.


Keywords: Antenatal, Booking, determinant, maternity, Satisfaction.

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