Innovative Management of Non-Communicable Disease in a Low-Income Country: Supporting Nurses and Midwives to Set Up and Manage a Nurse-Led Diabetes Clinic at Bo Government Hospital in Sierra Leone

Publication Date: 26/03/2024


Author(s): Ibrahim Sahr Momoh, Mimi K. K. Rogers, Mariama Lilei Kassay, Elizabeth M. J. Faley.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 2 (2024)


Recognising the increasing prevalence of diabetes globally and the challenges faced by communities with limited resources, the Organisation of Sierra Leonean Healthcare Professionals Abroad (TOSHPA) proposed the establishment of a nurse/midwife-led clinic for patients with Type 2 and gestational diabetes to be established in Bo Government Hospital (BGH) Southern Sierra Leone. The nurse/midwife-led approach can prove to be an effective and sustainable solution and is done in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH) and BGH Management Team in Sierra Leone. The project is funded by The Burdett Trust for Nursing, UK. BGH will allow second-motivated registered nurses and midwives who have a passion for community health to be trained/upskilled and capacitated to work in an extended role. The training will focus on patient assessment, investigations, diagnosis, treatment, health promotion, education, cultural competency, effective communication and active follow-up.


Bo Clinic, Diabetes, Nurse-led, Midwifery-led, Sierra Leone.

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