Student Enrolment Pattern In Anambra State (2001 -2015)

Publication Date: 23/09/2020

Author(s): Etaga Harrison O., Etaga Cecilia N., Aforka Kenechukwu F., Okeke Stella E..

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 4 (2020)


Primary and secondary schools. It has occurred that for the past years, people in Anambra state has been battling with lack of knowledge on the rate or pattern in which students in primary and secondary school enroll. And the rate at which male and female enroll in these institutions. It becomes necessary to determine the trend at which students enroll into primary and secondary schools in Anambra state in each of the Local Government Area. The data used for this work is secondary in nature. They were obtained from Anambra State Statistical Year Book from 2001 to 2015. The statistical methods used in data analysis are Trend analysis and student t-test. The data were tested for normality using Shapiro-Wilk test and the result showed that the date is normally distributed. Homogeneity of variance was also tested using Bartlet test and Levene test, data was found to be homogenous. Test of Independence, showed that the data set are independent. Trend Analysis was carried out using Least Square Method. The results showed that significant difference exists between the enrollment of the male and the female students in the state. Finally, that as eight states has increment in 2020 while thirteen states will have a decrement in the student’s enrollment in the year 2020. Special attention should be placed on this local government Area with decrement in their enrolment in 2020 to actually know why there the decrement exist.

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