An Analysis on the Effectiveness of two Brands of Feeds on the Weight of Broiler Chickens: A Case Study of Wisdom Poultry Farm, Beside Naze Cluster Market Owerri

Publication Date: 12/10/2020

Author(s): Onuoha Desmond O..

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 5 (2020)


This study compared two diffferent types of poultry feeds namely, Vital feed and Top feed commonly used in rearing birds in order to determine which of them is preferred over the other . The data used are the weigths (in kg) of 100 randomly selected 6-weeks broilers that were fed on the two poultry feeds. A crossover design was used to conduct the experiment. Analysis of variance and direct assay methods were used to analyze the research data. The study revealed through the analysis of variance method that there is no siginficant difference between the effects of the two feeds under study on the weight of the poultry birds. Moreover, the bioassay analysis revealed that even though the effects of the feeds on the weights of the poultry birds were insignificant, it is clear that Vital feed is more effective than Top feed in improving the weight of the poultry birds. Futhermore, it was recommened that Vital feed should be used over Top feed in rearing 6-weeks broilers since it’s effect on the weights of the birds is more significant.


Cross Over Design, Analysis of Variance, Bioassay Analysis, Poultry Feeds

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