A Study of Properties and Applications of Gamma Distribution

Publication Date: 08/07/2021

DOI: 10.52589/AJMSS-MR0DQ1DG

Author(s): Eric U., Oti Michael O. Olusola, Francis C. Eze.

Volume/Issue: Volume 4 , Issue 2 (2021)


The gamma distribution is one of the continuous distributions; the distributions are very versatile and give useful presentations of many physical situations. They are perhaps the most applied statistical distribution in the area of reliability. In this paper, we present the study of properties and applications of gamma distribution to real life situations such as fitting the gamma distribution into data, burn-out time of electrical devices and reliability theory. The study employs the moment generating function approach and the special case of gamma distribution to show that the gamma distribution is a legitimate continuous probability distribution showing its characteristics.


Gamma Distribution, Mean, Variance, Reliability Theory, Moment Generating Function.

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