Analysis of a Reactive Flow in Rotating Concentric Cylinders.

Publication Date: 08/08/2024


Author(s): Badejo O. M., Ogunbamike O. K..

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 3 (2024)


The introduction of bearing was to bring conveniences because it reduces the friction and whirring at the joint, especially for complex moving machines. Bearing was produced for smooth usage but the contrary is derived once they are being used on uneven roads or subjected to overloading. This may not sustain lives again but put them at risk which may lead to death sometimes. The governing equations were modeled based on the reviewed work, linearized and adopted with Hartmann number (Ha), Pressure gradient (G) and other parameters like Darcy number (Da), Prandtl number (Pr), Eckert number (Ec), Suction parameter (V_0) and Reynolds number (Re) but they were made to be equal to one (1) throughout the research work. The energy equation with reactive terms was tested and the value of G was at an interval of 0.50 from 0.00 to 2.00 while the Ha were considered at an interval of 1.00 from 1.00 to 10.00. Perturbation method was used to linearize the equations and was solved numerically using the semi-implicit finite difference scheme with Maple 18 software. When the value of Ha was observed from 0.00mms^(-1) to 20.00mms^(-1) with 0≤G≤2, it shows an increase in velocity which depicts reduction in the free flow of fluids in the rotating concentric cylinder. When G>0, there is smooth fluid flow in the system and the results show that the higher the value of G the more the fluid flow (0≤G≤2). The temperature of G on Ha reduces as the value of Ha on G increases suggesting that G≥10 can be used to stabilize the system’s temperature. The result of Ha on other parameters for both velocity and temperature increase as the value of Ha increases. Also, the maximum temperature of the system with reactive flow is very high; ranging from 0.05-0.30 deg∁. The results were in agreement with related works in literature.


Annulus, Concentric cylinder, Pressure gradient; Magnetic field, Reactive flow.

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