At the Peak of the Disillusionment: A Revisit to Chinua Achebe and the Need for the Recovery of the Igbo Identity

Publication Date: 25/09/2020

Author(s): Uche Nnyagu (Ph.D).

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 5 (2020)


Africans in general and Igbo people in particular, are like the proverbial woman who has married two different husbands at different times who soon discovered who, between the two, is better. It is decades after the Europeans colonization of different parts of Africa and many Africans are getting disillusioned. Before the coming of the Europeans, Africans used to be gregarious. The Europeans came with their culture which they successfully imposed on Africa and many docile Africans are brainwashed into believing in the superiority of the Europeans’ tradition. Being brainwashed, that the African traditions are barbaric, the Africans jettisoned their own culture and tradition and then, things began to fall apart. Years after the Europeans had left Africa, many Africans who had become more Catholic than the Pope, and who had embraced the white man’s tradition almost completely annihilated the remaining tradition thereby making the society hollow. Things keep going from worse to worst as a result of the annihilation of the tradition and the consequent embrace of the align tradition. This paper looks at the society under the traditional religion and the contemporary society, and concluded that the society has corrupted by Christianity and therefore, recommends that Africans have a rethink and save their heritage.

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