Street Hawking And The Girl Child In Northern Nigeria: A Study Of Some Selected Areas In Wudil Town, Wudil Local Government Area Of Kano State

Publication Date: 26/08/2018

Author(s): Dr. Umar Shehu Usman.

Volume/Issue: Volume 1 , Issue 1 (2018)


Street hawking is a global phenomenon and widespread in Nigeria over the years. This cuts across every section of the society including gender. However, the involvement of the Girl-child in this infamous activity is specifically common in northern Nigeria today, particularly in Wudil local government of Kano state. Here, it is very common to see young school aged girls between 5 - 17 years hussling in the streets hawking. The various challenges that these young girls face is no doubt highly unacceptable to any responsible society. More so considering the highly negative effects of this to the development of the society. Urgent steps are therefore needed to tackle this problem before it gets out of hand. Although the authorities have made concerted efforts to stemp the tide, the problem has persisted over time. Infact, if effective measures were not taken to drastically checkmate the problem in due time, the future consequences may better be real than imagine. Therefore, all hands of stakeholders must be on deck to finally nip it in the bud. This study focused on street hawking and the girl-child in some selected areas of Wudil town in Wudil, Kano state. It utilised both quantitative and qualititative methods of social research to determine the causes of street hawking by the girl-child in the area and society as a whole. The main objective is to identify the causes and negative effects of street hawking on the development of both the girl-child and society and to suggest viable ways of resolving the protracted problem so as to restore order and progress. The study discovered that the involvement of young girls in street hawking in Wudil, Kano state and northern Nigeria has a direct link with failures of social institutions like the family and the socioeconomic conditions of the people in the area which has suffered prolonged neglect by the authorities. Thus, the study argued that until the gap in the social structure of the society is drastically adressed, the problem and its concomitant negative effects may perpetuate. The study made some farreaching recomendations as pernacea to the problem

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