How Ethiopian Standardized National Examinations Achieve their Goal? 2014/15 University Entrance Examination Exam in Focus

Publication Date: 07/07/2022


Author(s): Hadya Hassen.

Volume/Issue: Volume 5 , Issue 3 (2022)


The main purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the items of the 2014/15 university entrance examination of the English language based on the parameters of facility value and discrimination index. The study has used a descriptive research design concerned with the quantitative methods which reveal the statistical result of the exam. The data were collected from the database of the National Educational Assessment and Examination Agency (NEAEA). The study covered all of the 120 items of the Ethiopian University Entrance Examination (EUEE). One-fourth of the examinees’ i.e. 40,400 examinees’ results were taken for analysis. Secondary data was also used in the analysis process. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively. Within the two main parameters of item analysis, namely, item facility value and discrimination index of the study; the items were categorized into four ranges based on their effectiveness. Findings of the study revealed that 33 items were very difficult, and 27 items were not discriminating at all. The findings revealed that high numbers of the EUEE examination items were not functioning as expected, which directs many items to be either discarded or improved. This meant the yearly implementation of post-test item analysis is required for better preparation of functional standardized exam preparation for the next periods.


Achievement test, multiple-choice test items, Item analysis, Item facility value, Discrimination index.

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