Ethnic Diversity and Democratic Governance in Nigeria: A Consociational Perspective

Publication Date: 20/06/2023

DOI: 10.52589/AJSSHR-2H3F3PH3

Author(s): Samuel B. Kalagbor (Ph.D), Deinibiteim M. Harry (Ph.D).

Volume/Issue: Volume 6 , Issue 3 (2023)


This study explored the relationship between ethnic diversity/plurality and democratic governance in Nigeria. Nigeria has over 300 different ethnic groups, with diverse beliefs, customs, traditions and norms. These diversities have threatened the unity of the country and the system of governance. Political rivalry among the different ethnic groups substantially hampers the institutionalization of democratic governance in the country. Efforts at accommodating the ethnic groups in governance processes by successive administrations have not yielded significant results, hence threat of secession by some ethnic groups. The result of these threats in the country is the lack of harmony and/or cohesion in the polity, particularly in the areas of national identity and unity of purpose. Therefore, the main objective of the paper is to demonstrate that ethnic plurality does not necessarily negate democratic governance in a society. The study adopted the Consociational Democratic Theory to analyze the imperative for national unity cohesion, peace and harmony among the different ethnic nationalities under a democratic system of governance. The study used mainly secondary data, related to ethnic diversity/plurality, democratic governance and the politics of accommodation for harmonious national development. The study revealed that tension in the polity is attributable to the different ethnic groups struggle to capture and/or maintain state power for the benefit of mainly people from the leader’s ethnic group and/or region. This has increasingly made people of the different ethnic extractions clamour for “one of their own” to occupy the seat of power at federal, state and/or local government levels. The paper concluded that for Nigeria to make progress and achieve oneness of purpose under a democratic administration, there must be sincere accommodation of all ethnic groups in the governance process. The paper recommended, among other things, that leaders should live above ethnic biases in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities; there is a need to create sustainable national consciousness and identity among Nigerians in order to reduce ethnic rivalry in the country to the barest minimum.


Ethnic rivalry, National Consciousness, Harmony, Ethnic Diversity, Accommodation, Governance.

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