Democratic Governance and the Challenges of Leadership in Nigeria Under Buhari Administration

Publication Date: 16/01/2024


Author(s): Akingbade Babajide Olufemi, Bassey Manasseh Edidem (PhD).

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 1 (2024)


The output of democratic process depends on the nature, character and pattern of administrative leadership of the democratic leader piloting the affairs of the state. Since independence, Nigeria has witnessed different administrations or regimes with concomitant implications on democratic governance. Despite abundant human and natural resources in the country, the realization of the dividends of democracy are not being enjoyed by the citizens because of political leaders controlling state affairs. This study examines the challenges of Buhari's administration and its implication on democratic governance in Nigeria between 2015-2023. The study adopted descriptive and documentary research methods and relied majorly on secondary data and elite theory was adopted as the theoretical orientation of the study. The study revealed that the major challenges of leadership in Nigeria under the Buhari's administration are corruption, non-adherence to the rule of law and banditry related issues which serves as impediments to democratic governance in Nigeria. The study, however, recommends that the government should set up independent corrupt agencies with personalities who have integrity to run it, so that the issues of corruption will be ameliorated. Government should also allow the judiciary to independently carry out their judicial function without any political interference and further allow the law to take its course at every set time without violating the principle of rule of law as propounded by Albert Venn Dicey. Government should strategize effectively using the security apparatus of the state to create an enabling environment that is secure for all to stay and not having fear that the security of the populace is not guaranteed because of inability to stop the ongoing and lingering banditry issue of grave security concern to Nigeria and to the international community at large. The study concluded that there is need to have a strong agency comprising of individual that has integrity, the professionalism of conduct of lawyers and purging of the legal system who has compromise to subvert the justice system and strong strategic provision of effective security apparatus will help to mitigate this issues that has devoid the people to believe that they are not enjoying the benefit of democratic system.


Democracy, Governance, Leadership.

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