A Comparative Assessment of Antiretroviral Therapy Patients’ Support Groups in Mangwe and Nkulumane Districts of Zimbabwe.

Publication Date: 19/07/2024

DOI: 10.52589/AJSSHR-1HGICQ98

Author(s): Zenzo Lusaba Dube, Funa Moyo , Mkhanyiseli N. Ncube.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 3 (2024)


The article assesses the role Support Groups (SGs) for patients on Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in Mangwe and Nkulumane districts of Zimbabwe. Data collection was qualitative in nature through the inductive means of interviews, focus group discussion and questionnaires. Stratified random sampling was used. St. Anne’s Brunapeg Hospital and Plumtree District Hospital (for Mangwe) were each classed as strata. Only one clinic offers ART services in Nkulumane and this served as a strata. Fourteen SGs were interviewed as focus group discussions and one hundred and six as questionnaires. The empirical findings reveal that SGs are of critical value in the ART programme. They provide inter alia emotional support, peer counselling, information on ARVs, access to financial support and training. The SGs are vital in the ART programme and are in dire need of funding.


ARVs, PLHA, SGs, ART, Mangwe, Nkulumane.

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