Optimal Scaling Appraisal of Maturity Status of Nigerian Polytechnic Education in Industry 4.0

Publication Date: 21/02/2024


Author(s): Adegbite Ismaila Olawale, Odetayo Tajudeen Adewale.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 1 (2024)


The first industrial revolution in the 18th century is related to the transformation to mechanization by using hydro power and steam power to second, third and a new concept referred to as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that combine Internet of Things (IoT) technologies with the manufacturing which is seen as a significant paradigm shift in industrial manufacturing, named as Industry 4.0 (4IR). This study explored the perspectives of people on the lingering issue of maturity of Nigerian Polytechnics in terms of 4th industrial revolution; thus, the paper aimed at appraising the maturity status of Nigerian polytechnics in the industry 4.0 using Optimal Categorical Scaling Regression (Catreg). Data collection was cross-region in Nigeria. This research used the stratified sampling method to ensure a proper spread and it was designed in line with descriptive survey, systematically examining the maturity status of their institution on 4IR through the primary data collected with the aid of questionnaire and focus group discussion from the stakeholders in private and public Nigerian polytechnics. The data were sourced from 18 Polytechnics, 1 each from federal, state and private in each geographical zone. Inferential statistical tools of optimal scaling regression analysis were deployed. The analysis inferred that eagerness of leaders and competence as well as modern ICT and mobile devices are fully mature but implementation of 4IR road-map, decentralization, modelling and simulation, sharing knowledge and open innovation, ICT competence and openness to new technology are still maturing. It is recommended that the educational policy and a blueprint of education for Industry 4.0 should be formulated and implemented to meet the global standard of education.


Maturity, Catreg, Polytechnic, Education, Industrial Revolution 4.0.

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