Architecture 5.0: Opportunities and Challenges in the Nigerian Construction Industry.

Publication Date: 02/12/2024


Author(s): Taofeek A. Suleman.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 4 (2024)


The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and other digital technologies (DTs) has often lacked a focus on human-centrism. Industry 5.0 emerged as a response to Industry 4.0’s digital revolution, emphasizing functional human-machine collaboration, sustainability, and resilience. However, the architecture, engineering, construction, and operations (AECO) sector, particularly in Nigeria, has been slow to seize the opportunities presented by Industry 5.0. This study investigates the opportunities and challenges associated with deploying Industry 5.0, specifically focusing on architecture within the Nigerian construction industry (NCI). A rapid literature review was conducted, analyzing relevant and indexed articles from reputable databases. The findings indicate that integrating AI into architectural design workflows can catalyze the adoption of other DTs, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, digital twins, cloud computing, Blockchain, and augmented/virtual reality. These technologies can potentially transform planning, operations, end-of-life management, and visualizations during the design phase of architectural services. The study emphasizes the importance of architectural professionals acquiring relevant technical skills through education and awareness initiatives. It also stresses the need for policies and programmes implemented by the government, regulatory agencies, and industry firms to accelerate the adoption of DTs. Effective strategies for leveraging AI’s potential are proposed to enhance design quality, speed, performance, and collaboration with allied design professionals. The findings offer valuable insights into adopting Architecture 5.0 within the NCI, particularly during the design stage.


Digitalisation; Industry 5.0; Architecture; Construction; Nigeria.

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