An Analysis of Community Engagement in Higher Education: A Conceptual Exploration

Publication Date: 21/11/2023


Author(s): Dr. Eriya Muwanguzi, Dr. Serunjogi Charles Dickens, Edward Kibaya.

Volume/Issue: Volume 6 , Issue 3 (2023)


This conceptual paper provides an overview of community engagement in higher education, highlighting its definition, goals, and various models of engagement. The paper explores the benefits and challenges of community engagement for both higher education institutions and communities, and presents strategies for designing and implementing effective community engagement initiatives. The authors also discuss methods for assessing community engagement outcomes and impact, as well as the challenges and limitations of evaluating community engagement initiatives. The paper concludes with a discussion of future directions and opportunities for community engagement in higher education, and the implications for research and practice. Overall, this paper provides a comprehensive and informative review of community engagement in higher education, serving as a useful resource for academics, practitioners, and researchers interested in this important topic.


Community Engagement, Higher Education.

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