Effect of Gender on Economics Students Academic Performance in Secondary Schools in Oyo, Nigeria

Publication Date: 19/06/2019

Author(s): Tolulope Tosin Fehintola, Deborah Oreoluwa Yahya.

Volume/Issue: Volume 2 , Issue 2 (2019)


The study investigated the effect of gender on Economics students’ academic performance in secondary schools. The study adopted a non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group research design. The population for the study consisted of Economics students in senior secondary schools in Oyo town. The sample for the study comprised 77students which was made up of male and female Economics students. Three mixed-sex schools out of 11 mixed-sex public secondary schools in Oyo West Local Government Area were selected using simple random sampling technique and one intact class was randomly selected from each of the sampled schools. One instrument was utilized for the study and this was Economics Performance Test (EPT). Data collected were analyzed using t-test at 0.05 level of significance. The results showed that, there was no significant difference in the performance and retention of male and female students (t=0.27 ρ> 0.05 and t= 0.25, ρ > 0.05) respectively. The study concluded that gender has no significant influence on secondary school students’ performance and retention in Economics. The study therefore recommended that both male and female students should be given equal educational opportunities in an Economics class and teachers should always adopt teaching strategies capable of enhancing male and female Economics students’ performance.

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