Effect of Selected Methodological Approaches on Facilitation of Learning in Adult Education Programmes in Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

Publication Date: 13/06/2024


Author(s): Chidinma Dokubo (Ph.D.), Maria Tona.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 2 (2024)


The study examined the effect of methodological approaches on facilitation of learning in adult education programmes in Bayelsa State. Group class, seminar and workshop methodological approaches were chosen for the study. The study was guided by three objectives from which three research questions were posed and three hypotheses were tested. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study was 89 respondents, consisting of 62 Adult learners and 27 facilitators in the 4 Adult learning centres in Ekeremo Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. The sample size of the study was 89 respondents comprising 62 Adult learners and 27 facilitators in 4 Adult learning centres in in Ekeremo Local Government Area. The entire population was studied as a census without sampling since the population was small and manageable. The instrument for data collection was a self-structured questionnaire titled “Effect of methodological Approaches on the facilitation of learning in Adult Education Programmes Questionnaire (EMAFLIAEPQ). The instrument was validated by 4 experts in the field of Adult Education. The reliability of the instrument was established using Cronbach Alpha method. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation while the hypotheses were tested using z-test statistics at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that group class, seminar and workshop approaches affect the facilitation of learning in adult education programmes in Bayelsa State to a high extent. Based on the findings of the study, it was recommended amongst others that facilitators of adult education programmes should adopt group class approach in teaching as this promotes collaboration and active participation of learners in the learning process.


Adult, Learning, Methodological Approach, Seminar, Workshop, Group Class.

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