Eradicating Functional Illiteracy in Older Adults Through the E-Learning Approach: A Case Study of Bonny Local Government Area.

Publication Date: 18/06/2024


Author(s): Ibienebo Edith Pepple, Imeh Elizabeth Golden (Ph.D.).

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 2 (2024)


This study presents e-learning as a tool to eradicate functional illiteracy in older adults in Bonny Local Government Area of Rivers State. The study adopted descriptive survey research design; the population of the study comprised of adults in Bonny LGA., Rivers State. A total of two hundred (200) respondents were selected for this study using simple random sampling technique. This technique was adopted in order to give room for any respondents based in that locality equal chance of being selected for the study. The primary data was used as a source of data collection; the respondents were rated using a 4 point Likert scale. The reliability of the instrument was obtained using a test retest procedure and Cronbach’s Alpha instrument. Simple percentage tool was employed in both table and chart format to describe the characteristics of the respondents. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the copies of the questionnaire. The analysis revealed that that lack of resources and little knowledge of computerized devices are challenges associated with implementing e-learning initiatives for older adults. This study concludes that e-learning is a panacea for eradicating functional illiteracy among older adults in Bony LGA., Rivers State. The study recommends that government should provide more resources that will aid e-learning for improvement and addressing literacy challenges among older Bony LGA and they should make e-learning programs to be extremely effective by providing resource materials for trainers and trainees.


E-Learning, Functional Illiteracy and Adult Education.

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