Relevance of Classical Test Theory in the Assessment of Learning in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria.

Publication Date: 01/07/2024


Author(s): Ebere Sampson Wagbara PhD, Nbame Letam Nna-Kue PhD .

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 2 (2024)


Over the years, measurement experts have been captivated by the description of students, which has resulted in the development of test theories such as Item Response Theory and Classical Test Theory. The traditional method of item analysis, known as "Classical Test Theory", asserts that an individual's observed score on an exam is equal to their true score and an error score, with all items in the test contributing equally to student performance. Assessment, in this context, refers to any method used to gauge a learner's current knowledge. The significance of Classical Test Theory in teaching, learning, and evaluating learning outcomes has spurred academic inquiry. This paper explored the application of Classical Test Theory in tertiary institution assessment, emphasizing its relevance in evaluating learning outcomes. Some notable points included the simplicity of mathematical procedures in classical test analysis and the straightforwardness of model parameter estimation. Additionally, this paper advocated for the utilization of statistical sophistication inherent in Classical Test Theory to interpret undergraduates' performance effectively. Lecturers were encouraged to familiarize themselves with its application to provide meaningful insights into students' performance.


Assessment, Classical Test Theory, Education, Item Response Theory, Tertiary Institution.

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