School Plant Management for Effective Teaching Delivery in Senior Secondary Schools in Rivers State

Publication Date: 28/05/2024

DOI: 10.52589/BJELDP-7UU9RDI5

Author(s): Ihua-Jonathan Nwovuhoma (Ph.D.), Odike S. B. Sullivan (Ph.D.).

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 2 (2024)


The study examined school plant management for effective teaching delivery in senior secondary schools in Rivers State. The study design was descriptive survey design while the population of the study comprised of 6,657 teacher and 302 principals in public senior secondary schools in River state. The sample consists of 823 respondents (principals and teacher) of government senior secondary schools which representing 12% of the entire population. Three research questions and three corresponding null hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. A self -structured questionnaire titled “School Plant management for effective teaching delivery questionnaire” with 22 items was used. The instrument was duly validated by two experts from measurement and evaluation and a reliability index of 0.84 was established. The findings of the study revealed typed of school plants in secondary schools, the respondents agreed that inadequate funding, lack of training, overcrowded class room e.t.c., are challenges of utilization school plant. Furthermore, the study revealed that the respondents agreed that all the items listed were the strategies for managing school plants. The study recommended amongst others that government and other stake holders of education should provide adequate school plants for efficiency and effectiveness in the system, stake holders of education should address the various challenges of utilizing school plants and that heads of schools, school personnel and students should be trained and be re-trained on the various strategies of managing school plants.


Effective teaching Delivery, School Plant, School plant Management.

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