Quality Library Information Resources and Postgraduate Students’ Satisfaction in Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Library

Publication Date: 20/07/2021


Author(s): Emmanuel Okwu. (Ph.D), Dorathy Braide.

Volume/Issue: Volume 1 , Issue 1 (2021)


Abstract The study sought to determine the quality library information resources and postgraduate students’ satisfaction in Ignatius Ajuru University of Education library. Two research objectives, two research questions and two hypothesis were formulated to guide the study. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The total population of the study was 412 postgraduate students’ registered with Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Library while the sample size was 206 postgraduate students’ selected using simple random sampling technique. The study found that that there is a significant relationship between available information resources and postgraduate students’ satisfaction with the use of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education library F1, 200=4.730, p<.05. Therefore, the null hypothesis one was rejected at 0.05 alpha level. The study recommended that Relevant information resources to the library users’ field, accessibility, adequacy, clarity of language of presentation, authenticity of information resources regular power supply, adequate computers/internet facilities should be considered and made available for the library users; also, Awareness services should be done on regular basis in order to increase users’ knowledge on library usage in order to guarantee users’ satisfaction of Ignatius Ajuru University of Education library.


Quality Library Information Resources and Postgraduate Students’ Satisfaction in Ignatius Ajuru University of Education Library

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