Utilization of Electronic Information Resources as Correlates of Publication Output by Researchers in Agricultural Research Institutes in Oyo State, Nigeria.

Publication Date: 10/01/2025


Author(s): Abubakar Hajarat O., Oluranti Shadrack A., Arilesere Jemilat Iyabo, Aborisade Mariam O., Sulaimon Aminat A..

Volume/Issue: Volume 5 , Issue 1 (2025)


The study examined the utilization of electronic information resources (EIRs) as correlates of publications among research scientists in National Agricultural Research Institutes (NARIs) headquarter in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Correlational research method was used to determine the relationship between utilization of EIRs and publications output among research scientists. Simple random sampling technique was used to select 217 respondents from a sample frame of 282 researchers based on Morgan’s table for sample size in four (Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, National Institute of Horticultural Research, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria and Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria) NARIs. Data were obtained on types of EIRs utilized, extent of use, effect of EIRs utilization on publication and the total of researchers’ publications using a structured questionnaire. The results obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency counts, percentages, mean and standard deviation) and Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficient (PPMC). Results revealed that major types of EIRs utilized by the researchers for their publications were Access to Global Online Research in Agriculture ( 3.46), Online Access to Research in the Environment ( 3.41) and The Essential Electronic Agricultural Library ( 3.32). The result further revealed that researchers have a high extent of use of EIRs with 100% utilization. The researchers stated that utilization of EIRs enhances efficient and effective publications ( 3.58) improve the quality of their publications ( 3.52) and enhance their decision making in publishing ( 3.48). Results further revealed that 74.9% and 85.3% of the researchers published more in local journals and proceedings respectively compared to 25.1% and 14.7% that published in international journals and proceedings respectively. PPMC revealed a significant (p<0.05) relationship between utilization of EIR (r = 0.127) and researchers publications. In conclusion, utilization of EIRs enhances the publication output of researchers in agricultural research institutes. Therefore, the study recommended that stakeholders and policy makers in agricultural research institutes should invest in facilities that will facilitate utilization of EIRs for publications activities among research scientists.


Utilization, Electronic information resources, Publication output, Researchers, Agricultural research institutes.

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