The Law of Sedition: Implications for the Practice of Journalism in Nigeria

Publication Date: 08/09/2023


Author(s): Gabriel T. Nyitse (Ph.D), Terhile Agaku.

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 1 (2023)


This study was conducted to examine the law of sedition and its implication for the practice of journalism in Nigeria. The study is premised on the tenets of the social responsibility theory while the secondary sources of data relevant to the discourse were relied upon for analysis. It was revealed that the freedom of expression is a fundamental human right enjoyed and protected by law in civilized and democratic societies, however this right is not absolute anywhere in the world as the fundamental human rights are restricted by the law of sedition which restricts journalists from publishing or undertaking actions that bring into hatred, ridicule or contempt to the government in power, or incite or provoke the citizens to rise against or seek to remove the government in power. It was also revealed that sedition is a punishable offense under the Nigeria law as journalists in Nigeria have been charged for various seditious offenses in the past. The study equally revealed that journalists charged for sedition have the right of defense through lawful excuse, prove that words used were not seditious as well as claim ignorance of the act. The study concludes that the law of sedition is a compromise to freedom of expression because constructive criticism is an indispensable tool especially in a democratic society. However, the law of sedition law has been used by the government as a tool to regulate citizens' opinions and indiscriminately wield power. The government uses the law to suppress the protesting views of the public and journalists alike. The study recommends that journalists should operate within the ambit of freedom of expression guaranteed by the fundamental human rights for a better society, journalists should observe the ethics of the profession as safety measures against being accused and charged for sedition and journalists should be conversant with laws that tend to inhibit their practice.


Journalism, Law, Nigeria, Offense, Practice, Punishable, Sedition.

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