Employee Wellbeing and Job Engagement of Academics in Universities.

Publication Date: 07/11/2024


Author(s): Timinepere Ogele Court, Kingsley Binaebi Ogbolo.

Volume/Issue: Volume 7 , Issue 4 (2024)


The study explored the nexus between employee wellbeing and job engagement of academics in universities. The study adopted analytic descriptive quantitative strategy and the target population of the study was 980 lecturers and a sample 284 was selected through stratified sampling procedure. The data collection instrument was a structured questionnaire designed on a Likert 5 point scale of strongly agree to strongly disagree. The instrument was validated through content approach while the reliability of the measurement instrument was determined via Cronbach aipha realizing internal consistency of the measure. The data were collected by distributing to respondents through online platforms and offline means by research assistants. The data collected were analysed by Process Based approach using Partial Least Square Regression with the Smart PLS software version 4. The results indicated that there a significant positive relationship between psychological well-being and job engagement; there was a significant positive relationship between social well-being and job engagement; but there was non-significant negative relationship between subjective well-being and job engagement and there was a significant positive relationship between workplace well-being and job engagement. In view of the findings, we concluded that employee wellbeing is critical to the job engagement of academics in universities and recommended that university authorities should fashion out programmes aimed at fostering the holistic wellbeing of staff members and performance on the job.


Employee well-being, Job engagement, Academics, Universities.

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