Ethical Climates and Job Satisfaction in Selected Manufacturing Firms in Anambra State, Nigeria

Publication Date: 16/06/2020

Author(s): Ojukwu Henry Sonna, Nsoedo Onyekachukwu.

Volume/Issue: Volume 3 , Issue 3 (2020)


Unethical practices such as embezzlement, fraudulent practices, deception, favouritism, and nepotism are continuously seen as the issues being raised by workers in the manufacturing sector. The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between ethical climate and job satisfaction in selected manufacturing companies in Anambra state. A descriptive type of survey design was utilized for the study. The population of the study involves all employees of the three selected manufacturing companies in Nigeria. The manufacturing companies include; Cutix cable Plc, Ibeto Group Plc, and Adswitch Ltd, with a total number of 398 employees. The sample size of the study stood at 200 after utilizing Taro Yamane’s formula. The descriptive statistics described the sample in terms of the responses to the questions using frequencies, means and standard deviations. Regression analysis was used in testing the hypotheses. The variables of ethical climate had a significant positive relationship with supervisor, job variety and compensation.

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