After Sales Services as Determinant of Customers’ Patronage of Satellite Products and Services: A Study of South-South Nigeria

Publication Date: 26/09/2023


Author(s): Isaac A. Power (Ph.D), Odiri V.I.O. (Ph.D).

Volume/Issue: Volume 6 , Issue 4 (2023)


In this study, we examined whether after sales services serve as determinants of customers’ patronage among selected satellite products/services companies in South-South Nigeria. To offer a novel view on the research theme, three (3) after sales service dimensions were employed, namely; product warranty, installation and delivery. Questionnaire was the major instrument of data collection, which was administered on four hundred respondents out of which three hundred and seventy-three were completely retrieved. Data obtained in were analysed using descriptive, diagnostic and inferential statistical techniques. Findings indicated that there is a significant relationship between the after sales services dimensions (product delivery, installation and warranty)and customer’s patronage of satellite products. The implication of the finding is that after sales services serve as determinants of customers’ patronage. In view of the findings, it is recommended that management of satellite products and services need to enhance their strategic plans aimed at further improving product delivery, installation and warranty by ensuring that their transmissions are more effective than ever before so as to attract more customers, increase profitability and market share. Again, the study recommends that management of satellite products and services need to improve on their product warranty, delivery and installation policies so as to further assure customers of improved and quality products as well as attracting more customers.


After sales services, Customers’ patronage, Satellite product, Product delivery, Product installation.

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